Today, while looking around for more sites that are selling quality PLR content, I come across White Label Perks was once run by Kelly McCausey (Business Coach), Samantha Angel (Graphic Designer) and Avery Wilmer (Writer). However from Jun 2023, will be run by Kelly McCausey, whereby Samantha Angel will run You can read more about PLR Review.White Label Perks provides PLR contents for mainly for the following 2 … [Read More...] about White Label Perks PLR Site Review
Main Content
I will be sharing my reviews with the many PLR providers that I have come across. If you are using PLR material for your business, you will find the information here valuable.

PiggyMakesBank PLR Reviews
Today, I will do a PiggyMakesBank review for their PLR articles quality for the following topics: self-help, health, and business. This post will be an extension to my post on Mar 17, 2018 that I had talked about PiggyMakesBank PLR Mini Memberships.About Piggy Makes Bank is a site that sell PLR content, run by Susanne Myers & Tracy Roberts. The site creates high-quality done-for-you content (a.k.a PLR) such as Articles, Ebooks, Workbooks, Emails and Social Media … [Read More...] about PiggyMakesBank PLR Reviews
How to Hire a Bookkeeper for Your Growing Business
The question of whether to hire a bookkeeper or not has undoubtedly come into your mind as a business owner. Bookkeepers help keep your financial records organized and accurate, freeing up your time and reducing the chance of mistakes.Once deciding to hire, it’s essential to learn how to hire a bookkeeper the right way.This article will explore why you need a bookkeeper, their duties and essential characteristics, online platforms where you can hire one, and tips for who to hire. Why … [Read More...] about How to Hire a Bookkeeper for Your Growing Business
SimplyCoutureDesigns Black Friday Deal
Carmen from has started the Black Friday promotion. Remember to use the promo coupon listed below to enjoy the discount. Black Friday Pre-Sale You will be able to enjoy a 50% off all courses and bonus training from 19 Nov 2022 to 23 Nov 2022 at 11:59pm PST.Simply Couture Designs coupon code: PREBLACK22Design and Create Printables With Canva courses Create Editable Printables To Sell On Etsy Course Selling Printables With Etsy courses Easy Profit With … [Read More...] about SimplyCoutureDesigns Black Friday Deal

TheViralContentClub Black Friday Sales
When it comes to social media and content creation, do you find that your content creation over-complicated, stressful or not converting clients to your business? If so, you’re going to love the content membership I am about to share with you. It’s called the Viral Content Club run by, who’s the viral marketing genius behind viralmarketingstars.comThis year, will run it's Black Friday promotion from Nov 23rd to Nov 30th midnight PT. If you join the … [Read More...] about TheViralContentClub Black Friday Sales

3 Best PLR Membership Sites For Coaches
There are so many private label rights membership sites around, but not many provide you with quality material. The effort to research and select the right one from these many sites can be a very time-consuming process. I have been a regular customer for PLR content for many years. In this post, I will be reviewing the top 3 trusted PLR membership sites that provided self-help/business-related articles/content for coaches or any webmaster that is in the business and personal development … [Read More...] about 3 Best PLR Membership Sites For Coaches

PLR Content For Travel Niche By TheBlogHelper is a site run by Sheila, selling travel related PLR content. She also owns a travel blog at It's rare to find a PLR provider that solely sell PLR content related to travel.From TheBlogHelper, you can either buy 1 article on certain travel topic, or get it as a pack (contains a few articles) which is cheaper. Currently, you will be able to find the following travel topics:Carnival Cruise Line Royal Caribbean Arizona National Parks … [Read More...] about PLR Content For Travel Niche By TheBlogHelper Review By A Customer Of More Than 10 Years
Are you looking for a review by a real customer? I made my first purchase from back in 2008. In this review, I will share my experience about and provide you with enough information to help you determine if it is a good PLR provider that can provide you with a good source of PLR content for your websites.What is PLR.Me? is a premium private label rights provider selling quality PLR content from the self-help niche since 2008. You will find a wide selection of … [Read More...] about Review By A Customer Of More Than 10 Years

Coach Glue Reviews [Latest Update: Feb 2022]
I have been a member of PLR content provider since Jan 2016. If you are a business coach or success coach who is looking for high-quality content for your training programs, blog posts, resources, or webinars, Coach Glue is one of the best "done-for-you" content and private label coaching products provider in the market. With these quality PLR content, it will save you a lot of content creation and research time. You will be able to spend your previous time on the other expects of … [Read More...] about Coach Glue Reviews [Latest Update: Feb 2022]

IDPLR Review [2021 Sep]
What is IDplr is a PLR provider that provides a huge amount (more than 11,000 when I am writing this review) of digital products with various rights. As a member, depending on the rights of the products, you can either own, giveaway, edit, or sell them.Lasted Updated: 16 Sep 2021: IDPLR products updates Updated: 10 Feb 2021: New Year Promotion Updated: 08 Nov 2020: Update the last updated date for each product group. Download 3 eBooks with PLR for review. Updated: Jan 07, … [Read More...] about IDPLR Review [2021 Sep]
Quality PLR Providers Reviews
Below is a list of reviews for PLR (Private Label Rights) Content Providers that create quality PLR material. These materials are sometimes known as Done For You content. Different PLR content providers focus on different types of PLR material and niches. PLR material can be sold in different formats,, such as articles, reports, templates, audio, video, or even a full-blown course. Niches can be business, health, self-help, etc. What Is PLR? If you are still wondering what PLR is, you can … [Read More...] about Quality PLR Providers Reviews

IM Checklist PLR Review
Today, I received a promotion from by Kevin Fahey. The topics for this month caught my eye and I decided to buy the PLR Checklist pack for my own use, and at the same time use it as a review on this site.The pack that I have purchased is the 35th pack from IM Checklist. The topic is about how to use review sites to promote affiliate products.About IM Checklist Membership is a site that sells checklists related to the internet marketing niche with private … [Read More...] about IM Checklist PLR Review

Resell Rights Weekly Review
I have known about since the year 2010. During that period, there weren't many similar memberships around. Unlike now, there are so many membership sites offering various content and product with various rights, such as PLR, RR and MRR (You can click here to understand what do these terms mean).I hesitate to join the Gold membership to have a feel of what I will be getting as the main site looks likely "old". The RRW Gold Membership costs $19.95 per month to join. As … [Read More...] about Resell Rights Weekly Review

PublishForProsperity Reviews is run by Alice Seba selling PLR contents related to personal development niches. The target audience for these Done-For-You contents will be Coaches, Speakers, Publishers, etc. You can either buy the content for the site directly or join the membership to receive monthly PLR content at a lower price.First Published on May 10, 2020 Membership PublishForProsperity has 2 monthly memberships that provide private label rights content as follow: 1) Personal Development … [Read More...] about PublishForProsperity Reviews

Contentsparks Review – Protect Your Online Reputation
I have always been interested in Online Reputation. Today, I received an email from about the done for you content on the topic about how to defend, repair and manage your online reputation. Giving a thought, I decided to purchase this pack to use it by myself for one of my sites, and at the same time, do another review for Contentsparks material.If you have not heard of, basically it is a site that sell done for you content for coaches. This site mainly … [Read More...] about Contentsparks Review – Protect Your Online Reputation