has been discontinued. It is re-brand to CoachGlue
You can read my Coach Glue Review post to learn more about what is offering.
Apart from, is another PLR provider that provide premium PLR contents for coaches and trainer.
Finally, my CoachingPLRContent review is out. I have joined the PLR membership a few days back just to has a look at the quality of the material provided. Coaching PLR content is owned by Melissa Ingold. (She owned as well. You can click here to read my review about SpecialReportClub).
CoachingPLRcontent provides PLR content to help business owners to create coaching reports quickly. Currently, CoachingPLRcontent offers 2 modes of purchases. One is buying individual PLR packages, the other is via a monthly PLR membership (cost per PLR product will be much cheaper than purchased separately).
Monetize Your Webinar Toolkit is one of the PLR pack that I have purchased. You can find the detail of the pack here:
PLR Pack – Monetize Your Webinar Toolkit
This PLR pack consists of 27 pages 21 Ways to Monetize Your Webinar report. On top of the above, it has a Monetize Your Webinar Checklist and Monetizing Your Webinar Calendar Template that you can use as a rough guide to monetizing and setting up your webinar. Both comes in WORDS and PDF format.
Sample text from 21 Ways to Monetize Your Webinar Report
It’s a well-known fact that some methods work better for certain people than others. Here are twenty-one ideas for monetizing your webinar to make sure you don’t miss any methods!
1. Charge for the Recording
If you know your webinar content is going to be helpful, dynamic and powerful, then you shouldn’t be hesitant to charge a fee for the recording – even if your webinar was free.If you want to avoid antagonizing people when you monetize the recording, make a big thing of allowing access to the recording for free for twenty-four hours after the webinar. But clearly let them know that after that grace period they will have to purchase online access or purchase the.MP3.
The psychology behind the Free Grace Period method? Most people are so busy they will not access the recording during the twenty-four hour grace period. But they will not feel forced to buy the recording, as they might if you charged for it straight away, because they know it was their choice not to listen within the twenty-four free hours.
If they really want the recording, they will pay quite happily – particularly if you sweeten the deal with a bonus such as a transcript, worksheet, tip sheet or highly relevant short report.
Just remember: If your content is dynamic, unique and helpful enough, you won’t have to use free strategies at all: People will scramble to click the “buy” button – but your webinar had better be on something valuable no one else has touched.