Below is a list of reviews for PLR (Private Label Rights) Content Providers that create quality PLR material. These materials are sometimes known as Done For You content. Different PLR content providers focus on different types of PLR material and niches. PLR material can be sold in different formats,, such as articles, reports, templates, audio, video, or even a full-blown course. Niches can be business, health, self-help, etc.
What Is PLR?
If you are still wondering what PLR is, you can think of it as “White Label” or “Licensing“. Basically, you purchase contents that you can use as your own. You have the license to change the content, and used it as yours. If you have heard about “ghost writing“, you can think of it as a group of people paid for a ghost writers to create a piece of content that is shared among them. The good thing about PLR content is that it cost much lesser than you paid someone to create the content. The bad thing about it is that many people will be using the same content. The circulation of the content will depend on the PLR providers that you have purchased from. Likewise the quality of the content. Do research on the PLR providers before buying from them.
[Last Updated On: 31 May 2021]
List Of Best PLR Websites Reviews
I love PLR and have used these contents for my blog posts, reports and courses. If you are interest to learn more about why I like PLR, you can click here to read more.
Below is a list of PLR providers that I have personally used, and recommend you to check them out. You will want to click on my PLR reviews link to learn more about each providers.
Self Help Niche
- Reviews [*** My Top 3 ***] – By Ronnie Nijmeh. This provider sells done for you content for coaches in self-help, health and wealth niches. You can buy images, articles, report and even a full course with PLR from the site.
- Reviews [*** My Top 3 ***] – By Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold. This provider sells PLR content for business coaches. You can buy quality done-for-you reports, planners and courses from the site.
- Reviews
Internet Marketing / Business Niche
- Reviews [*** My Top 3 ***]
- Reviews
Mix Niches – Self Help + Business + Health & Fitness
- WhiteLabelPerks Reviews – By Kelly McCausey, Samantha Angel and Avery Wilmer. This provider create PLR content for self-help and business niches. The materials are mainly in the form of reports, articles and graphics.
- Reviews – By Susanne Myers and Tracy Roberts. This site focus on PLR content for self-help and business niches. The materials are mainly in the form of reports, articles and mini courses.
- Reviews
What PLR Providers Do You Like?
I would love to know what PLR providers you use in your business. I’m always looking for new PLR content to help me work more efficiently so I’m excited to hear what you’re using. Click here to let me know. Thanks 🙂