2017 September Coaching Workshops PLR package by CoachGlue is about how to run a low maintenance monthly club earning recurring income.
How to Create a Low-Maintenance Monthly Club for Recurring Income
Sep 2017 Coaching Workshops pack consist of the following 4 folders:
- step1-promo-tools-to-presell-your-program – it consists of 5 blog posts (each post has about 500 words), 4 promotional emails and 10 social media posts (lesser words)
- step2-tools-to-host-your-free-webinar-teleseminar – it consists of a (1) Webinar Slides.pptx (31 slides), (2) Guest Handout.docx , (3) Contents for Confirmation Page, Opt-in Page and Thank You Page and (4) Webinar Script (more than 5000 words)
- step3-sales-letters-to-sell-your-program – it consists of the content for the sales page (about 1500 words)
- step4-coaching-program-checklists-exercises – this folder consists the main content of the whole package which will describe in more detail below
Main Content
The main content consists of 4 modules. Each module consists of 1 Action Plan, 1 Checklist, 1 Slide (around 20 slides for each module) and 1 Guide. The 4 guides have about 10,000 words. I have provided some content from one of the guides for your review below.
Sample content:
When should you not create a membership club (low or high maintenance)?
It is probably not your best idea if you only have five or six clients and you don’t yet have a list. Ditto, if you are not yet a well-known member of a strong community. But by all means, plan for one, and put that plan into practice, the moment you do judge the time is ripe.
Tossing up a quick membership club also isn’t a great idea if you’d like a lucrative turnout. It’s more of a passive-income supplementary strategy—perfect for increasing buzz and reaches—but once it’s established a low monthly membership club can increase your visibility and grow your reach.
Another exception if you’re still an unknown quantity: If you are being mentored by, or know, someone with high visibility and authority in your niche—someone with her own large and enthusiastic affiliate base. Providing your club fills a need for that authority figure and pleases her community, you stand a much better chance of interesting her in promoting your low-maintenance monthly club.
Well, you know what happens, because you’ve most likely done this yourself. You either forget all about the offer, or you can’t remember who was making it (or promoting it); or time simply just passes, and other things push it away, till they’ve missed the opportunity.
One way to eliminate this: Create a sense of urgency. (We touched on this earlier when discussing launching and re-launching.) That’s where you use strategies such as counters in your landing page running a “countdown” until the offer closed; limited seats; and limited time before special prices or bonuses run out. Only opening your club once or twice a year is another definite way to create that buyer-motivation.
You can even create a sense of urgency for totally evergreen memberships by offering certain bonuses or discounts throughout the year when they sign up.
A word about bonuses:
Hot-offer bonuses make people want to sign up and never leave.
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